I have a confession to make: I'm over 50. Despite that, I lead a full Internet life. I surf the web, use search engines, create blogs, upload videos, join in on chats and, in general, socialize online. I'm not the only one, either. General impressions to the contrary, social networking is not just a young person's game. Just as the race is not always to the swift, the social networking world is not always for the young. In the last few years, sites like My Space and Face Book have been getting some competition from old comers like Eons and BoomerTowne. There are some Boomer blogs out there, too.
Social networking for boomers is a relatively new phenomenon. This surprises me, given the size of this demographic. Boomers may not spend every waking minute in front of their computers, but they certainly do use them. What's more, baby boomers have the income and time that younger folks often lack. Perhaps social networkers assume that older people are afraid of their computers. Perhaps they assume that we don't really know how to use them. Nonsense! Who taught all those new employees? We’re just as capable of pointing and clicking as is anyone else. We love to shop, as any retailer will tell you. We enjoy socializing with our peers and keeping up with the latest news. We baby boomers have our own set of needs: healthcare, retirement, etc.
Social networking sites for older users take all of that into account. One of the better-known sites, Eons, even has its own age-appropriate search engine. There are book clubs, "getting to know you" social clubs, travel information, site-based blogs and places for health, relationship-building, elder care, humor, games, money, careers - you name it. It's fun and, like its younger relatives, it's also free. You can laugh to the latest joke, and engage in a political discussion, watch a video, discuss a favorite book or recommend one and, in general, have a wonderful time. All you need is a computer and the desire to use it. Come on in - the water's fine!